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InfoNode Search listings: Find all infonodes, remove

~~TASK:Quite Oh?2009-09-24~~

All infonodes need to be checked to confirm they are not listed in search ( double check, low priority )

  1. Do a search for “NCI”
  2. If infonodes are included in the returned results check to see if we own or if we rent
  • Teleport to location
  • Click on “About land”
  • If the land does not belong to “NCI Land Holdings”, it is a rental
  • Add to a notecard
  1. if we rent we need to contact the people we rent from,
  2. if we dont see if show in search is ticked in the land options
  3. If it isnt, its just LL slow on the uptake
  4. Hand notecard to Landholding team member who will then either remove it from search, or negotiate with the owner to lower the prices.
tasks/verify_that_infonodes_are_not_listed_in_search.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/25 03:12 by quiteoh